Clinical & Compliance

Referral Management and Intake
Fully integrated with other HealthWare applications, data collected during the referral process is automatically processed into other areas, saving the user time and increasing overall productivity. A perfect example of this tight integration is that the scheduling department is automatically notified of a new referral for immediate assignment and the clinician who makes the initial visit will have all referral information available at the point of care if using InTouch. A patient Face Sheet is available for agencies who have not yet implemented point of care.
Multiple branches and lines of service are also tracked from Referral Management, allowing larger agencies to select the branch managing the patient care and admit them into more than one program. This gives agencies the ability to report on the agency then break it down further to see how each branch and line of service is performing.
Virtual Chart – an Electronic Medical Record
Virtual Chart is a very powerful digital document-management system which allows you to import documents you already have available in electronic format, including photos. It also considers the fact that paper documents are going to be around for a while, so Virtual Chart includes features that allow you to scan and index paper documents that most organizations still receive, giving you the ability to better manage the delivery of care, achieve higher levels of productivity and quality, all while controlling costs.
InTouch - Point of Care Clinical System
This clinical point of care system may be the smartest purchase your agency has ever made. No internet connection required, just sync and go! Exceptionally easy to use, it can reduce your nurses’ workload, reduce the amount of time your nurses need to spend in the office and help you to decrease related costs. Most importantly it reduces billing turnaround time and makes the most recent patient information readily available to all employees.
The best feature of InTouch is that it is a fully integrated part of the HealthWare family of healthcare applications. Information entered at the point of care flows quickly and smoothly into the patient’s medical record and automatically feeds into scheduling and billing. Assessment information can be used to automatically calculate the case mix group (PPS or PDGM) and trigger the creation of related billing, Plan of Treatment and Care Plan. This greatly improves the speed and efficiency of claims processing which in turn helps to improve cash flow.
InTouch Lite - Point of Care for your Phone or Small Tablet
Features documentation and care plan tracking capabilities specifically designed for your Home Health Aides. InTouch Lite is designed to be used on a smartphone or a tablet. Just like InTouch for skilled clinicians, InTouch Lite is fully functional offline avoiding the need for a costly data plan.
With appropriate devices and data services you can even have the checking in/out of the visit updated in real time and then use products like Right Track to monitor and be notified proactively of late arrivals and more. In addition, with the appropriate devices InTouch Lite can log location coordinates at check in and check out for those agencies that need location validation.
CareLink – Clinical Documentation
HealthWare’s advanced clinical information management tool, CareLink, was created through the input of experienced clinicians with the goals of reducing the time spent on data entry and eliminating errors. CareLink has been used in the field since 1998, and improved based on the recommendations of nurses who work directly with the patient. By using built in prompts and validation, CareLink promotes excellence in clinical documentation.
If you prefer working with your current clinical documents, you can incorporate electronic Word or PDF versions into HealthWare. Or combine our forms and a few of your own forms. Using existing forms along with the new HealthWare forms can help ease the learning curve for your clinicians by building on their existing knowledge base to develop a more thorough approach to patient documentation. With CareLink you have a wide-range of options to serve the needs of your agency.
CareLink – 485 Manager
If you process 485s you can use the information collected in the assessment to create them without the need to re-enter the information again. Documentation, including assessment data, medications, orders, precautions, goals, and other information are supplied directly to the Plan of Care form (HCFA 485). Overflow is automatically supplied to the Addendum form (HCFA 487). Certification data can be maintained indefinitely and allows easy updates for re-certification and re-admission as necessary.
CareLink – Care Planning
CareLink Care Planning was designed to help you handle the challenges of an interdisciplinary treatment approach by allowing the creation of a cohesive care plan that works toward a unified goal.
After the initial assessment is completed you can quickly and easily create an initial care plan using one of our existing Care Plan Templates or your own. Once the template has been applied you can easily add, edit or remove individual items to create a patient specific care plan. Templates can be diagnosis related with specific problems, goals, interventions and teachings for items related to a ICD9 code, section or chapter.
Adjust the patients care plan as necessary based on the patient's progress. Quickly and easily indicate which items have been introduced, continued, met or completed. Use InTouch, our point of care application, to track the progress at the patient’s bedside. Print the entire care plan or just the items specific to a discipline.
Clinical Assistant – Real-time QA
Clinical Assistant works as a quality assurance assistant checking answers for inconsistencies in both the current documentation and between evaluations, then offers information, warnings, and errors based on the nurse’s input, as well as charts to graphically review a patient's progress from each evaluation to the next, including ADLs, weight, pain and wounds, to quickly pin point any declines in patient outcomes. Because this information is available at the time of entry, it reduces the time spent doing QA in the back office, speeds up the billing process, and allows for the greatest amount of reimbursement.
Annotations / Digital QA and Collaboration
HealthWare Clients also have the advantage of Annotations which allows the QA clinician to return the OASIS and any other clinical documents back to the field clinician with electronic “sticky notes” for the field clinician to review that QA clinician thought may need to be addressed. The field clinician can then return the form with explanations in his/her own electronic sticky note for the QA clinician or with the corrections made. This electronic communication reduces processing time and time to RAP and completion while eliminating paper.
Patient and Representative Updater
HealthWare Agency and POC clients get a powerful tool for complying with the CoP requirement to keep patients and their representatives updated regarding any changes to their treatment plan. Using text to speech and text messages HealthWare can automatically keep all the appropriate parties up to date simply by entering the changes into the clinical documentation and then letting HealthWare take care of the rest.
Right Track
Right Track is another product that HealthWare Agency clients have that runs rules real time against your database and can send alerts and collect data based on setting created by the client. For instance, “10 minutes late” to a scheduled visit, could alert a supervisor or just collect the data for analysis later. This could then be used to address the star rating timeliness measure.
Resource Center – Digital Library
HealthWare’s Resource Center offers agencies the ability to train staff on any subject using video or document training. This is the perfect place to store policies and procedures, agency care protocol, training on devices and forms, and all other information that should be easily accessible by your staff. Because the Resource Center is part of our InTouch POC application, it can be viewed by both field and back office staff.
The HealthWare Hospice Bereavement simplifies the difficult task of contacting the patient’s loved ones. When the patient is admitted into the Hospice program the information entered in the Intake/Referral screen automatically populates the Bereavement application. Family members may be identified at any time within the care giving process as well as individuals within the Hospice Agency who should be included in the bereavement process.
Realizing that some bereaved family members require more frequent contact than others, HealthWare Hospice Bereavement allows for a level of contact, ranging from low to high, to be specified, with the appropriate bereavement steps assigned to each level. Create various form letters that will be generated based on the period within the bereavement cycle and reporting features that list bereaved people, the type of contact that needs to occur and the dates. This includes phone calls, personal visits, personal letters, newsletters or other forms of communication, all of which can be made agency specific.