
Financial Reporting
HealthWare’s Dynamic Reporting will help you unlock the information in your data. We have combined state of the art reporting capabilities and integration with Microsoft Office to provide you with the most powerful set of tools available for viewing your data. HealthWare offers a large variety of built in reports with rich selection criteria and the ability to select various grouping options.
One of HealthWare’s time saving reporting features is the ability to store your criteria for future use and for the criteria to use relative date information. For example, if you want to run:
Swivel Reports: These reports provide a tabular representation of your data and offers dynamic views that automatically update the information presented based on user input. Add and remove fields, filters, sorting, grouping and more to include just the data you want. This allows you to view the same data in multiple ways allowing a single report to serve many different needs.
Live Link Reports: These are reports that can interact with HealthWare, bringing a whole new meaning and usefulness to reports that have never been possible before. Click on a Direct Link in a report and automatically be taken to the associated report or form in HealthWare. Click on a Related Link and then select a related form from the related forms dropdown.
General Ledger Journal
General Ledger Journal provides organizations with
a way to easily create journal entries based on
transactions that are occurring in the Accounts
Receivable and Billing applications of HealthWare.
This greatly simplifies your month end closing
procedures and significantly reduces the number of
reports you need to run and spreadsheets you need
to create to arrive at the necessary
journal entries each month. Create G/L accounts in
a variety of formats and using a variety of
mapping and cross reference methods.