Software and Services for Home Health, Hospice and Healthcare Facilities

Windows 7 Support Ends in Less than a Year

4/8/2019 HealthWare Other 0 Comments

Windows 7 Support Ends in Less than a Year

As fast as things change with technology in this world, and especially in the healthcare industry, it should come as no surprise that Microsoft has announced that they will be ending support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. That is less than 10 months from now. Microsoft previously extended support by 5 additional years and it seems unlikely that they will extend it again.


While many businesses and end users have already been on Windows 10 1809 (released last fall), Microsoft officially designated this update ready for broad deployment. This announcement coming with the news that Windows 10 1903 will start rolling out April 2019.

We highly recommend that anyone in the healthcare field still using Windows 7 look at updating before support expires to help maintain security and HIPAA compliance. While Microsoft will continue to provide Extended Security Updates, those will come at a charge and this pay for support will also come to an end in three years. There haven’t been any published amounts on just what these updates will cost, but it makes sense to just update to Windows 10 since it has been on the market for nearly four years now and is expected to be around at minimum until 2025, with support of that likely extending several years past that.

Needing help with updating? Your current EHR isn’t running on Windows 10 yet? Our expert team can help. Contact us today.

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